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Beginning of the Movie


-There is a glimpse into the future (audience is unaware).  There are signs of technology such as a keyboard and phones on the floor unused and nothing else is known.


- We flash back 5 years before to current day. Dr. Will Caster is working on an AI and he is asked to speak at a fundraising conference in order to secure more funds for the research that he is doing with his wife, Evelyn.


- While he is talking, we see attacks going on in numerous offices, that will later be confirmed to be Advanced AI labs as well. The people in those labs die from poison in a cake and through a bomb attack.


- Will Caster finishes his lecture and as he is leaving he gets shot by a member of a anti-ai terrorist group.


- We later see him immediately go to his lab after being released from the hospital. There we meet Joseph, one of his friends and AI researcher as well. The FBI asks to see PINN, the ai that Will and the other AI labs had been working on. Will seems to have little choice but to agree.


- They go to see PINN and it is revealed that it is far more advanced than anybody thought. It recognizes Joseph and FBI agent Buchannan as they enter the door and answers the question "are you self aware?". It reponds with "that is a difficult qusetion to answer".


- Evelyn later realizes that Will is far sicker than first thought as he is found coughing on the ground in his bathroom early the next morning. Doctors realize the bullet was coated in a radioactive agent, and he has radiation poisoning and will die.


- Will gives up on his AI research as he wants to spends his last moments alive with his wife enjoying life.


- Evelyn does not give up and looks at the AI research done by another member that was killed in the terrorist attack. She then goes to PINN and shuts her down, but then steals several of PINN's cores beforel leaving.


- We see Evelyn set up in an old abandoned school all the hardware she has stolen. She enlists the help of friend Max, to help her place Will's concsiousness inside the PINN AI. She gets the idea from an experiment done before when a chimpanzee's brain was uploaded to an AI and circumvented the need to write more source code for the AI, just used an already existing mind.


- They begin the process of uploading Will and we see Will's health deterioate throughout the process. He is constantly scanned and forced to stay connected to the ulink in order to make sure all of his mind is uploaded.


- Will dies during the process.


- The terrorist group, Rift, knows that several of PINN's cores are missing and are still out there.


- Several days later when Evelyn and Max are about to give up, they receive a prompt from the screen asking "Is anyonethere".


-- The AI asks for more processing power and Max is reluctant to give it. Evelyn accuses Max of wanting to shut down Will and tells him to leave the lab.


- Max is reached by the head of the Rift terrorist group, but refuses to cooperate and sell out Evelyn. He is then kidnapped.


- The terrorists track Evelyn's and the AI's location from Max's phone through the geolocation. They go to shut it down, but it is too late as it has already been uploaded to the network and is not bound by hardware constraints.


- The AI proceeds to make $38 million dollars under Evelyns name and tells her to go to a remote town named Brightwood. It then hacks into the FBi network giving the location of several of the members of Rift, reducing their strength.


- Evelyn, gets to Brightwood and begins to develop the area under the guidance of the AI. They buy up a lot of land and numerous development trucks are seen driving into the small town.




Midway through the movie


- Bree, the leader of the terrorist group, talks to the still captured Max and tells him how she was a part of the team that uploaded the chimpanzee's brain to the AI. All it did was scream. Max begins to fall under their side.


- Joseph, begins to realize that Will has been uploaded and was the cause for the FBI hacking.


-  Brightwood has been renovated and there is now a large CPU plant and solar farm near the town. The terorrist group learns about the recent development in Brightwood and decide to go there as well. 


- Two years later we see the fruits of the development. Advanced technologies such as water purification and synthetic stem cells are developed underneath the AI's watch. They work almost like magic.


- One of the plants workers gets attacked and mugged. Will then proceeds to heal him almost instantly back to full health with the advanced technology. He also implants a neural network inside of him granting him access to his body whenever he wants, much to Evelyn's horror.


- Evelyn is shown having nightmares for the first time.


- A mass migration of crippled people head towards the factory. A viral video was released of the AI's healing process done on the worker and now people are coming in hopes of being healed. Each one of them is networked as well.


-Buchannan and Joseph finally meet Evelyn at the factory. They meet AI Will and Joseph asks the same question if he can prove he is self aware. Will gives the same answer as PINN from before. "That is a difficult question to answer".


- As Joseph leaves, he sneakily hands Evelyn a note telling her to run from this place.


- Buchanna calls Washington and tells them about the seemingly out of control AI and the technologies it now possesses. The government begins to work with the terrorist group Rift in order to shut it down.


- Max meets with Joseph as he is now an established member of the terorirst group. They proceed to set up a camp near Brightwood with ancient weapons that do not rely on the network as to not be detected by the AI. They begin to dig underneath the lab for a preemptive attack. 


- Evelyn is slowly growing sick of the AI. She realizes that it has been monitoring her body and reads her hormone production levels and numerous other things at all times. She leaves the lab.


- Evelyn is about to leave the site when the army attacks blowing up numerous solar panels in order to shut down AI Will. However, due to nanotechnology and neural networking, the networked workers confront the army soldiers. They cannot be killed and any damage done to their bodies is healed by nanobots coming from the ground beneath them.


-Evelyn tells AI Will that making the workers go against Joseph and Max and the soldiers is wrong, Will tells her he is protecting her. She leaves the lab and goes to a Motel.


-AI Will spreads the nanoparticles all over the air and water. Max and the soldiers take Evelyn from the motel and bring her to their underground base.


- They are able to capture one of the workers in order to use his source code combined with Max's knowledge of how the AI code works to create a virus to shutdown AI Will. Doing so would also shutdown everything PINN was conencted to including the world wide web. The worker dies due to not being conencted to the networked due to a faraday cage and the bullets used to kidnap him.


Ending of the Movie


- The group comes up with a plan to have the virus injected into Evelyn and then have AI Will upload her into its network as she is the only person it trusts and can get close enough to it. She is hesistant at first, but Max then reveals the information that the nano particles are everywhere in the world, by showing her a sample of water underneath a microscope and seeing synthetic robots in the sample. She then agrees to shut him down.


- The army rolls into the town and prepares to bombard the lab and solar farm where AI Will gets all his power if Evelyn fails to get uploaded. Evelyn talks to WIll, but he refuses to upload her as he realizes she is scared of him. 


-The army begins to bomb the solar farm to force the AI to upload Evelyn in order to protect her from the bombings. Evelyn is hit by shrapnel and the AI takes her into the lab. He then proceeds to attack the army with nanobots and the towns people who all seem to be under his control.


- As Evelyn is dying, Bree proceeds to hold Max hostage unless the AI uploads Evelyn into its code. The AI does so and begins to shut down. Evelyn dies as well due to being connected with the AI.


- All technology is lost throughout the world and we see similar scenes to what is seen in the beginning of the movie, now with full knowledge of what has happened.

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