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Technology Master List


  • Uploading consciousness -> neuro  uploading/ electrodes in brain

  • Laser scanning 3d objects

  • PINN

  • Tech to bring plants back to life

  • Nano-particles

  • Tech in water to clean itself of oil

  • Geo-locating people in real time

  • Solar panels

  • Power to withstand this AI



Technologies Mentioned & Shown in Film



-Type writers using paper before computer sceens and keyboards. Commercial use in 1874 in America, but appeared earlier before that. [1]


-The first movie projector in the United States was demonstrated on 1895. It allowed for continuous streaming of film with a lower risk of tearing. A huge improvement over anything else at the time. [2]


-Windmills were used as early as 500 - 900 A.D for grinding up grain in stead of generating energy to be stored. A simple renewable source of energy. [3]





1. Xavier, A Brief Hsitroy of Typewriters, (October 8, 2014)


2.History, First movie projector demonstrated in United States (October 8, 2014)


3. Part 1 - Early History Through 1875, (October 8, 2014)


-Projectors are seen in the beginning of the movie.


-The doctors in the beginning the movie talk about the lack of stem cell technology that could help save Will. Along with it are standard hospital technologies such as a heart rate monitor and colonscopy bags.


-The use of phonograph to play music.


-Standard flat screen computer monitors in the AI labs along with key boards.


-Windmills are seen in the presentation given by Will Caster in order to raise funding. The use of a microphone as well.


-Cell phones in use to communicate with other people. Bluetooth headsets allow simulation of an objectless communication device.



Storing information inside organic elements


Double Helix Serves Double Duty, John Markoff (October 1, 2014) 


This articles talks about a research group that has stored 739 kilobytes of information onto DNA. Getting more and more efficient to write information onto DNA and store it. We will eventually be able to store more and this is an example of how information could be stored in something like water and blood. Evelyn has the "virus" uploaded into her and this could be one way for it ot be possible. There is no actual implementation, but it does show a proof of concept and with future advances in computing, the price will go down and it will be more viable.


New Silicon Chip Sequences Complete Genome in Three Hours, Sebastian Anthony (October 1, 2014)


This is about one of the advances in technology that makes it possible for encoding upon organic substances. The Ion Torrent Chip is powerful enough to measure pH changes caused by the release of a single H+ ion. The chip allowed the sequencing of a strain of E. Boli in only three hours.




3D Laser Face Scanning


Three-dimensional recording of the human face with a 3D laser scanner (November 2006) 


States that the Minolta Vivid 9i (machine they used) would be useful for 3d scanning of other body parts, but because of the different angles and tiny movement that happens to the face it is difficult and doesn't really work with this machine. Experimented by trying to record males faces using this 3d scanning device. Device Link: 


3D Scanner used in Music Video 


UK band uses a design studio's help to create a music video based on the 3d laser scanning of a man's entire body. Incredibly detailed used something like 96 cameras, maybe have also used photogeometry. 



3D laser scan takes fear out of face molds (January 17 2011)


3D laser scanning allows burn victims to have face masks, without the pain of the face molding process. The new laser scanning machine also easily creates multiple for the children to use, where as before one took a very long time and could be very painful. 




Nano Particles (that compute)


Bioengineering: Nanoparticles and Neural Computing (September 2014) 


Nanoparticles that target cancer cells and create a small bubble and explode, damaging the cancer ell membranes, the nanoparticles then release chemoteraphy drugs, stright to the cell cytoplasm. Method has proved to be very effective and only very small doses of drugs are needed to completely eliminate tumors much quicker. They are also small enough to avoid and not damage the healthy cells. 


Data on the brain: ‘Wet computing’ liquid implants could boost intelligence


Research done in University of Michigan to store data in nanoparticles suspended in water, also known as the process wet computing. Using only small amounts of water (teaspoon worth) could store up to a terabyte's worth of data. 





-Floating nanoparticle machines that can fix and generate anything without requiring additonal matter.

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