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      There is no government funding for Dr. Will Caster's AI project. That is a factor when thinking about intellectual property because the project  itself, or the AI PINN is the intellectual property. Since the government has nothing to do with the funding of this, there cannot be any loss of IP  rights to the government. The government cannot intrude into the project and take it as their own for any reason or request changes of any kind.  This also comes into play when Dr. Caster's consciousness is uploaded into the PINN system, since he then also becomes part of this AI. He then  becomes intellectual property himself.  



     As an intellectual property, Dr. Will Caster raises more concerns. Physical or human Will dies so the AI that is then comprised of PINN/Will  then becomes Evelyn's property. Once uploaded onto the web, AI Will creates a company for Evelyn and trades stocks to make the company gain  millions of dollars. Since AI Will is no longer a physical person, he thus cannot be held responsible for these actions, which then points to the idea  that maybe Evelyn should be held for all of these actions. Will created PINN together with Evelyn, so Evelyn is partly responisble for PINN itself, she also was the one who uploaded Will's consciousness onto the PINN system. Even after hearing warnings about what this new AI Will  could do, and being warned that it maybe wasn't fully him inlfuencing the AI's actions, Evelyn didn't head the warnings and uploaded AI Will onto the web, making her responsible for all of the actions produced by this AI. Evelyn also went ahead and did all the things that AI Will asked her to do, such as hiring the carpenter to build the Brightwood Lab and to rebuild most of the town as well. 

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